Yoga Teacher Website Design
A content website visual design for a Hatha Yoga teacher from the Isha Foundation school of Yoga.
- Low Effort
- English
A content website visual design for a Hatha Yoga teacher from the Isha Foundation school of Yoga.
A set of social media marketing brochures for a Hatha Yoga teacher's programs.
A simplified nature products online store web application for sellers and buyers.
Arwes is a web framework to build user interfaces based on futuristic science fiction designs, animations, and sound effects. The concepts behind are opinionated with influences from Cyberprep and Synthwave, and productions like Star Citizen, Halo, and TRON: Legacy. It tries to inspire advanced science and technology.
Noxtron is a web tool to explore, preview, and test JavaScript and TypeScript components as isolated sandboxes in realtime in browser. It is composed by two applications, a playground app with the interface to explore and control the configured sandboxes, and a sandbox app to execute the sandboxes source code.
Simple data mock generator for the web. (It is also a small role-model library package.)
A marketing landing page for the release of one new flying ship 'RSI Constellation Taurus' for the videogame StarCitizen. The creative and interactive page showcases all the features of the new ship along with the ecommerce information to buy it.
A marketing landing page for the release of the videogame StarCitizen version Alpha 3.14 branded 'Welcome to Orison'. The creative page showcases the new city 'Orison' this new version releases.
A monorepo example private project using technologies and tools such as Yarn, Lerna, Webpack, TypeScript, SASS, ESLint, Stylelint, and Jest.
Official Website for Soul Extract. Alternative Rock injected with electronic and cinematic elements. Proud member of the FiXT roster.
Learn how to make the web come alive with animations, comparing the current most used technologies to animate and how JavaScript methodologies and tools can make our lifes easier.
Talk about software testing in web applications based in JavaScript with the Jest library. The tutorial is focused on unit testing using the methodology Test-Driven Development (TDD) on Node.js.
Style scalable web applications with the CSS in JavaScript implementation JSS using ReactJS components.
Talk and walkthrough about software testing in web applications based in JavaScript with the Jest library. The tutorial is focused on unit testing using the methodology Test-Driven Development (TDD) on Node.js.
Romel Pérez's personal website with resume and portfolio information.
I share my experience in tech as a Software Engineer and how I've been able to create a career mainly because of a culture of open source contents.
Real World React is a professional services and consulting firm specializing in modern front-end tools and serverless architecture.
Style scalable web applications with the CSS in JavaScript implementation JSS using ReactJS components.
Style scalable web applications with the CSS in JavaScript implementation JSS using ReactJS components.
Arwes is a web framework to build user interfaces for web applications based on futuristic science fiction and cyberpunk styles, animations, and sounds effects. The idea is to let you create realistic futuristic user experiences in your projects. The concepts behind are opinionated and try to inspire advanced space technology and alien influence.
Small email marketing automation platform. Supports creation of custom campaigns with different levels of registration and email templates to add defined content types, control of persons registration using the UI and services, email analytics using SendGrid and multi-role user management.
A platform of educative interactive multiplayer video games to let you understand micro-economics with the starting game "Buscadores de rentas". The games seek to help you develop civic competencies such as argumentation, critical thinking and multiperspectivism.
Talk and walkthrough about software testing in web applications based in JavaScript with Mocha and Chai. The tutorial is focused on unit testing using the methodology Behaviour-Driven Development (BDD) on Node.js.
Official website for the meetup community BucaramangaJS, an intention to share the JavaScript knownledge and expertise with the Bucaramanga community.
Web platform to manage social and business events. It lets you control users, organizations, their portfolios and conversions in the event. You can also contact them publicly. It is a Progressive Web Application.
Talk about the Developer Tools (DevTools) of the browser Google Chrome for programmers and designers working with web technologies. Inspect the DOM, track errors, review resources and much more.
A serie of examples to learn the tools based on React and Redux libraries. The examples were used in workshops to teach and learn about the React ecosystem.
Real-Time communication framework for the project COMA of Grupo Calumet. RealTime is a web server based on Node.js, Express.js, and Waterline to integrate with the existing platform of users.
Talk about real-time applications implementing technologies based on WebSocket, an standard to create simultaneous bidirectional communication in web platforms.
Romel Pérez's personal website with resume and portfolio information.
General introduction to automated testing of web applications using JavaScript and Node.js, along with some libraries and frameworks to examine the ideas.
An introduction to Vagrant, a tool to create and work with virtualized environments to develop software. It is configurable and modular. Tests made in Ubuntu/Xenial.
An introduction to the main features of JavaScript ECMAScript 2015 using the transpiler Babel in Node.js with Babel CLI and the module bundler Webpack.
An introduction to the Polymer, a library to create web components, created and supported by Google, along with easy examples explaining its main features and how to use it.
Simple graphical user interface framework inspired in science fiction (sci-fi) and futuristic designs and animations for web sites and applications made in SASS and React.
A package to validate data objects (possibly extracted from HTML forms) in client and server sides seamlessly and a customizable jQuery plugin to validate them in realtime.
Custom widget as a jQuery plugin to upload single files and preview images using blueimp/jQuery-File-Upload.
PRHONE Utils, browser JavaScript utilities for general purposes, including feature detection, control of windows and frames dimentions and utility functions.
PRHONE Log, a simple JavaScript logger aimed for client side applications but it can be used in Node.js environments.
PRHONE MDB, mini-database manager using Node file system API in a relational way for simple storing or for practicing Node web servers without using a real DBMS.
How to build an web application from a front-end perspective using jQuery, Backbone and Browserify.
A talk about the JavaScript Promises specification in Node version >= 4.0 and in the browser with the library Bluebird.
Organized recompilation of resources and examples to learn programming with the technologies used in projects by the Grupo Calumet along with teaching talks of basic web programming.
PRHONE SCP, parse simple config files to extract configurable information for your projects.
Documentation for the project Elise Library, general tools, technologies and methodologies used in projects by Grupo Calumet.
System of applications to record and display information about the weather in the city of Bucaramanga for the Universidad Industrial de Santander schools websites.
Official website for the company GRI Gestión en Responsabilidad Integral S.A.S. with a custom CMS.
Frontend library to develop web applications in the project COMA (Comunidad Académica by Grupo Calumet).
A geek conky (linux widget) for netbook desktop. It has science fiction design for black desktop environments. It should be used in netbooks or displays of 1024x600 pixels.
Official website for the Instituto Técnico Industrial Laureano Gómez Castro school.
The Sirena Autocontrolada is an electronic device controlled by a microcontroller PIC 16F84A-4 which works as a manager for alerting about changes in the school schedule inside the school building.
Math function plotter, vector, trigonometry, and Ohm rule calculator.